
Winning Amount
Rules and Draw
Other Pools



4.5k USDT

Winner (1st) : 80%


Determined by the Draw

Winner (1st) :
# of winners determined by the draw


50k USDT

Winner (1st) : 60%



Winner (1st) :
Determined by end of the Draw


100k USDT

Winner (1st) :
50% of participants will get +100%



Winner (1st) : 100%



How to unlock VIP pool



How to unlock Versus pool


Depends on the Draw

Winner (1st) :
Depends on the Draw

Perpetual Chance #LCP109

Total amount as of now :
... in term of USDT
Number and amount per winning address will be set by the draw.
See Rules and Draw below
If you have already participated in one of our pools, your addresse(s) is automatically part of this pool
1 pool, 9 coins : you'll get your winnings in the same coin you used to participate on other pools
Tot in BTC
Tot in ETH
Tot in USDT
Tot in XRP
Tot in BNB
Tot in MATIC
Tot in SOL
Tot in DOT
Tot in ADA
Last win

- The draws and results will be streamed live in this page and on our Youtube channel after the end of the countdown.

The number of places and their respective winning amount will be set by the draw (minus gas fees and 3% pool fee)
The last place will get a free participation on another pool.

- Make sure to check if you have the winning address under the ID pool : #LCP109.
- If you are the lucky winner, we will send you the right amount (depending on your winning place) back to the address you sent your participation from.
- This pool will be reactivated after one or two days.

- Every participating address will automatically be related to a unique number attributed by chronological order. In this case, there are ... parts. The first participating address will get the number "1" and so on. This attribution number is in no way determining the draw results (it is just an identification process).
- This pool has an Exotic draw that will be activated and streamed live just after the end of the countdown.
- Exotic Draw of #LCP109 :
1. This exotic draw consists of 2 steps.
2. The first draw will answer this question : "Do we reconduct another countdown or do we continue with the 2nd draw ?".
3. If the number "1" is drew, then the pool will still be open for participation. It will reconduct another countdown determined by a draw that will set the #day(s), #hour(s), #second(s) for the new countdown (the draw will be set in a range between 1 day - 60 days).
4. If the number "0" is drew, then the pool will be closed. It will then pass to the second draw. This draw starts by generating randomly 2 numbers.
5. The first number will be randomly generated between a range of 1 - 2. Number 1 identifies Elon Musk (for example) and number 2 identifies Vitalik Buterin (for example).
6. The second number will also be randomly generated and correspond to the first number of words of Elon Musk or Vitalik Buterin next public tweet.
7. Selecting winning addresses. For example, if the number of words is 3, the pool will then have 3 places. If the 3 first words of the speech are : "I understand that...", we sum each letter of each word until we reach a number equal or lesser than the total unique addresses who participated in the pool. If there are 30 unique addresses : "I" = 9 < 30 (the 9th address having participated in the pool from the beginning will get the first place); "understand" = 120 > 30, so 1+2+0 = 3 (the 3rd address will get the second position) and "that" = 49 > 30, so 4+9 = 13 (the 13th address will get the third position).
8. Setting winning amount per address. In our example, the winning amount per address will be calculated dividing the pool total amount (for example : 7218 in total) by the number of winning places : 7218/3 = 2406 in term of USDT/winning address (for a visual example, see video).
Number Attribution